Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Farmtown- Coin and Exp Cheat

Tools required:
1) Firefox3.5.X
2) Adobe Flash Player 9/10
3) Charles Web Debugging Proxy (download link 1 | download link 2 | download link 3)
(for download link 1, just key the number at the right hand corner and click on the button below. See screenshot below.)

4) Java to run Charles Web Debugging Proxy (download here)

1. If you have not install Charles Web Debugging Proxy, install it now. Else just open it.

To those who have used Charles Web Debugging Proxy for Café World, and who are playing Farm Town too, you may consider using the same tool for Farm Town. The steps are similar.

2. Go to Farm Town.
3. Visit Neighbour and help neighbour to gain money and exp.
4. Go back to Charles Web Debugging Proxy. You will be able to see "w[X]" where [X] refers to a number.
*Must start with 'w'.
5. Open folder [facebok] then [farm]
6. Click on the 'ajax.php?do=completed...'.
7. Right click the "ajax.php" and choose "Repeat Advance"
8. Enter Iterations: 50000. Enter Concurrency: 5. Click Ok.
9. Let the Charles Web Debugging Proxy run. When the session complete the iterations, you will refresh your Farm Town and see the increase in experience and cash!

Have fun!

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