Monday, January 11, 2010

Petville - Coin Cheat as of Jan 11,2010

Tested and working but abuse it asap before it gets patched. You don't get an obscene amount of coins however, just a couple of hundreds. Don't be greedy


* charles3.4.1
* firefox


1.) Start Charles Web Debugging Proxy
2.) Go into Petville (click to play)
3.) Go into Bubble Pop Game and complete round 1.
Note: You must pop all 30 bubbles!
4.) You will see the following summary of round 1 game statistics

5.) In Charles (structure tab), look for the following line "" or ""
6.) Expand the line > expand "current/" > Expand "flashservices/" and you will see a few "gateway.php"
7.) Click on the "gateway.php", click on the "Request" tab on the top right window and search for the line "MinigameService.updateRound" (check from the last gateway.php upwards)

8.) After you have found the gateway.php with the functionName "MiniGameService.updateRound", right click it and select 'Edit'

9.) Click "AMF"

11.) Change the value of [2] in the params to the NEXT running digit. (example: 2 change to 3)
12.) Change the value of the sequence to the NEXT running digit (example: 11 change to 12)
Note: just +1 for whatever digit you have
13.) Click Execute when you are done.

14.) Now click back on the gateway.php with a pencil logo

15.) Repeat steps 11-13 to continue getting coins. Remember to always +1 the current value!
16.) Repeat till you are satisfied or probably when there is a error sync message. Just refresh and you will see your new coins.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ninja Saga DMG Hack

1.Go to cheat engine and select your browser as your process
2.(array of bytes,hex) 6f 00 72 00 79 00 20 00 6f 00 66 00 20 00 53
The end must be 2E6 if not clear your history & exit dont go to other's website
3.If the end is 2E6 go to the game and click in the damage hack
4.Wait for the cheat activation!
then to use the hack if your turn press 'q' everytime your turn repeat the 'q'

Happy Aquarium- Treasure Hunt Cheat

This cheat will let you do the treasure hunt as many times as you want. This will let you gain extra coins exp and additional treasure items as well.

Tools Required:

cheat engine 5.5


1. Go into Happy Aquarium
2. Click Treasure Hunt. Basically,there are 2 treasure hunt given each day.
3. Open Cheat engine and First Scan "2"

4. Complete 1 treasure hunt and it will show "1"
5. NEXT SCAN "1" and the addresses returned at the left side will be lesser.

6. Complete 1 more treasure hunt and it will show "0"
7. NEXT SCAN "0" and the addresses should only left a few. Wait for 1-2minutes and NEXT SCAN "0" again and you should only have a few addresses left. In case there are stil more address left, Click Next Scan again with the value 0, until all the addresses value at the left side is all equal to 0.

8. Change all the address value to 2.
9. Click on the treasure hunt again in Happy Aquarium, you will be able to play the hunt again and get coins/items. You can easily locate the main treasure hunt address and change the value to 100 by 'Next scanning' the value of the treasure hunt.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pet Society - Super Visiting Coin Cheat

Tools Required:
cheat engine 5.5
Adobe Flash 9 only (2nd address will not appear if you are NOT using flash 9)


1.) Open your Pet Society. Visit any of your friend for some coins.
2.) Open Cheat engine 5.5
3.) Tick hex, value=array of bytes, Also scan read only memory
4.) Scan "83F00185C0895DF88945E00F8459000000"
5.) 1 address returned. Disassemble and you will see the line "xor eax,01"
6.) Change it to "xor eax,00"
7.) New scan "0F840A000000B800000000E9A0040000B8" (flash 9 only to see this address)
8.) 1 address returned. Disassemble and you will see the line "je xxxxxxx" (xxxxxx is some random digits)
9.) Change it to "jmp xxxxxxx" Click Ok
10.) Now visit all your friends. Start your mouse recording to automate the visiting.
11.) Gift an apple to anyone (impt step if you don't want mayor to appear)

Now you can repeat visiting your friends again for 30coins if they are active or 20coins if they are inactive.


Friday, January 8, 2010

Crazy Planets Combo Tools V2

If you play Crazy planets, you can use crazy planets hack or combo tools v2 to pause time, infinite damage and infinite health. Before you must have download Crazy planets combo tools (download link below).

How to use crazy planets combo tools :

1. Go into Crazy Planet
2. Open Combo Tool
3. Select browser that you're using.
4. Go into any mission, once the timer starts counting down, click 'Start' on the tool (see image)
5. The 'Pause Time' should light up and you can click it to pause the time.
6. Next to unlock the other 2 cheats, you'll need to damage yourself and an enemy. After causing damage to yourself and the enemy, click 'Start' on the tool and the other 2 cheats will light up.
7. Now click both 'Infinite Health' and 'Infinite Damage'. Notice your health will never decrease and you can 1-hit KO any robots.

Restaurant City // Rubbish Coins

Cheat Tools:

* Browser ( FireFox )
* Cheat Engine 5.5
* Flash Player 10

Steps :

1. Go to Restaurant City by clicking above links
2. Open Cheat engine 5.5 and choose process FireFox
3. Tick this following ( Hex , Array of Bytes , ASROM )
4. Scan "2BD38991"
5. One address should returned
6. Right click the address and "Disassemble memory region"
7. Find "sub edx,ebx" and it to "sub edx,edx"
8. This activate Unlimited Rubbish in your Restaurant.
9. Just simply picked 30 coins from the rubbish and click on decorate move any furniture to save.
10. This reset the 30 coins every decoration move you made.
11. Just repeat this steps to get free coins always.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Country Story - EXP and Coin Cheat

cheat engine 5.5
mouse recorder


1.) Go into Country Story
2.) Earn some coins by selling your harvest. Water some plants.
3.) Open cheat engine (array of bytes, hex, ASROM)

You must log-in to view this arrat of bytes >>
The following is hidden from non registered users:Scan "03 C1 8B 8F 80 00 00 00 89 5D"
1 address. Disassemble and change "add eax, ecx" to "add eax, edx"
4.) Back in cheat engine, new scan (8bytes, hex, ASROM)
Scan "000000EC8889CA2B"
5.) 1 address. Disassemble and change "sub ecx, edx" to "sub edx, edx"
6.) Back in cheat engine, new scan (4bytes)
7.) Scan current amount of water
8.) Water a seed. Next scan new amount of water till 1 address remain
9.) Freeze the address.

Use a mouse recorder to continuously click on watering the seed to earn exp and coins.

Go sleep. Wake Up. Save the game. Enjoy new coins and exp.

Note: stamina need to be freeze too.

Pet Society // Better coin cheat


* flash 9
* cheat engine 5.5
* firefox


1. Go into Pet Society
2. Open cheat engine (tick hex, ASROM, value=array of bytes)
3. Visit a friend and get some coins in PS
4. Scan "83F00185C0895DF88945E00F8459000000"
5. 1 address returned. Disassemble and you will see the line "xor eax,01"
6. Change it to "xor eax,00"
7. New scan "0F840A000000B800000000E9A0040000B8"
8. 1 address returned. Disassemble and you will see the line "je xxxxxxx"
9. Change it to "jmp xxxxxxx" (xxxxx is the random digits that is different with everyone. Just change the je to jmp)
10. Now set your mouse recorder, record your pet to visit 2 friends. You will keep getting 50coins from both of them continously. Have fun.


Fish Isle Speed Hack 4 Harvest,Cleaning & Release

Tools required:
Mozilla Firefox
Flash Player 10
Cheat Engine 5.5

Open your Fish Isle on Facebook
Open Cheat Engine 5.5
Select Mozilla Firefox
Check the Enabled Speedhack
change into maximum 10.0
that's all!!!!
Enjoy and Happy Cheating

Cafe World - Millions Coins Tool

Tools you need :

1) Google Chrome / Internet Explorer or Firefox

2) Adobe Flash Player Player 10.0

3) Tigerzz Cafeworld Million Coins tool -(

Step 01 : Start Cafeworld application while loading open Million coins tool.

Step 02 : Select your browser and click start.

Step 03 : Your FB ID will be shown when Cafeworld is loaded. Once you saw your Facebook ID appearing.

Step 04 : Visit a friend and your friend ID will be shown on the tool

Step 05 : Click on CP button and return back to your own cafe for EXP increase. If you need

coins. Just stay in your own cafe and your coins will increase by 1,000 over each 60 seconds.

So try this now, while working .. . Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Farmtown- Coin and Exp Cheat

Tools required:
1) Firefox3.5.X
2) Adobe Flash Player 9/10
3) Charles Web Debugging Proxy (download link 1 | download link 2 | download link 3)
(for download link 1, just key the number at the right hand corner and click on the button below. See screenshot below.)

4) Java to run Charles Web Debugging Proxy (download here)

1. If you have not install Charles Web Debugging Proxy, install it now. Else just open it.

To those who have used Charles Web Debugging Proxy for Café World, and who are playing Farm Town too, you may consider using the same tool for Farm Town. The steps are similar.

2. Go to Farm Town.
3. Visit Neighbour and help neighbour to gain money and exp.
4. Go back to Charles Web Debugging Proxy. You will be able to see "w[X]" where [X] refers to a number.
*Must start with 'w'.
5. Open folder [facebok] then [farm]
6. Click on the 'ajax.php?do=completed...'.
7. Right click the "ajax.php" and choose "Repeat Advance"
8. Enter Iterations: 50000. Enter Concurrency: 5. Click Ok.
9. Let the Charles Web Debugging Proxy run. When the session complete the iterations, you will refresh your Farm Town and see the increase in experience and cash!

Have fun!

Bite Me - Money Cheat

Firstly , Go to Bite Me

Requirement :

•Cheat Engine 5.5
•Browser ( FireFox )


Go to Bite Me by clicking above links
Open Cheat Engine and tick this following (4bytes)
Scan your current amount of money
Spend money or sell some items to earn money. ( you will need to be able to
visit the shop in the map)
Next scan new amount of money till only 1 address left.
Change the value to 50,000 and freeze it.
Value cannot be too high or game may not save. And also, money will not be
saved, but items bought will be saved )
Enter shop, buy 5 of the most expensive item and checkout. Keep doing it till
inventory is full.
Go to Gear, change clothes and go back to the Main City map.
A pop up will ask if you want to publish to facebook .
Viola !! Refresh game and items will be in your gear.
But money will obviously revert back to the same amount.
Only items saved, money will not be saved. Sell items to get the money
Repeat till you are very rich.

Happy Aquarium - Ultimate coin and level hack

Tools Required :

1.) Any browser ( Firefox,Google Chrome or IE )
2.) Charles Proxy Debugger ( Download )



1.) Open Facebook ( )
2.) Open Charles
3.) Press Ctrl + N or go to File and Select New Session
4.) Go to Happy Aquarium
5.) When your tank is completely loaded, you will find
>> You must log-in to view this code :
The following is hidden from non registered users:

6.) Left click one of your pet fish and select Train
7.) Click Play and Finish the race.
8.) You will be automatically redirected to your tank, now go back to Charles
9.) You will find >> trials_finish.php
10.) Right click it, then select Repeat Advance
11.) Change Iteration value from 10 to 3000 --> this will take 20 to 25minutes to finised
12.) Change Concurrency from 1 to 5
13.) Click OK and wait for Charles to finished the request as shown in the video.
14.) When done, refresh your browser, or click Play on your Happy Aquarium menu, then observe a big increased on your coins and experience.


Friends for Sale Coin Bot

First, you will need the following tools :
1) Mozilla Firefox
2) Install Grease Monkey (

A.) Click Add to Firefox button

B.) Click Install Now - Wait til installation is finished

C.) Click Restart Firefox

3) Install Friends for Sale Coin Bot Script (

D.) Click Install button

Once you had installed the above program right click the bottom left Grease Monkey Icon and
select Manage User Scripts.

Select Friends for Sale Coin Finder and click Edit
Browse C: drive --> Windows --> Notepad and

copy the below code and paste into it and click saved.


// ==UserScript==
// @name Friends For Sale Coin Finder
// @namespace FriendsForSale
// @description CoinFinder
// @include*
// @author Raymond Go Ho
// Friends For Sale Coin Bot
// Buy me to thank me::
// Thank you for using this!!
// jQuery Loader is authored by Joan Piedra:
// Thanks Joan for making the wonderful script
// ==/UserScript==

// Add jQuery
var GM_JQ = document.createElement('script');
GM_JQ.src = '';
GM_JQ.type = 'text/javascript';

// Check if jQuery's loaded

function GM_wait() {
if(typeof unsafeWindow.jQuery == 'undefined') { window.setTimeout(GM_wait,100); }
else { $ = unsafeWindow.jQuery; letsJQuery(); }

// All your GM code must be inside this functio
function letsJQuery() {
// Find out if the coin on the website.
// Note that querySelectorAll is only available in Firefox 3.5 and above
var coin = document.querySelectorAll("#app7019261521_hover_container
> [id^=app7019261521_the_coin]");
if (coin.length == 1) {
var c = coin[0].firstChild;
var value = parseInt($(c).text());
// 500k - 999k is a mock value, FFS use it to detect bots
if (value >= 500 && value <= 999) {
} else {
window.location = c.href;
} else if (coin.length == 0) {
var prev = document.querySelector("a.prev");
window.location = prev;
} window.setTimeout("window.location.reload();", 1000);

*paste into Notepad and press save

*browse your friends profile in FFS to start

The BOT will automatically browse you Friends profile and collect money it gets.


Happy Island - Ultimate Coin Cheat

Tools Required:

Charles 3.4.1 ( Download Here )


1.) Open your Facebook Account
2.) Go to Charles
3.) Click Menu>File>New Session or simply Press Ctrl+N
4.) Go to Happy Island
5.) Look for any garbage or trash and click it. Click one trash only. Also you cannot used neighbors trash for this cheat, it wont work.
6.) Now go back to Charles, you will find >>
You must Log-in to view the following resources:
The following is hidden from non registered users:

7.) Right click the line -- pickup_trash? and Select Repeat Advance
8.) Change iteration from 10 to 2000 and Concurrency from 1 to 5
Note: you can put 3000 to 4000 iterations, but it takes time to complete, around 25 to 30 minutes and will make your PC performance real slow. Also unlicense version of Charles last for 30minutes only and will shut-off automatically. Charles needs to complete the iterations you assigned for the coins to be reflected. So its ok to assign small values like 1000 to be sure.
9.) After Charles completed the iterations. Refresh your Happy Island or click Play button
10.) You will observe a huge increased on your coins, and a little increase on EXP as well. Buy expensive items to boost your EXP.

Good luck and Enjoy!!
