Monday, January 11, 2010

Petville - Coin Cheat as of Jan 11,2010

Tested and working but abuse it asap before it gets patched. You don't get an obscene amount of coins however, just a couple of hundreds. Don't be greedy


* charles3.4.1
* firefox


1.) Start Charles Web Debugging Proxy
2.) Go into Petville (click to play)
3.) Go into Bubble Pop Game and complete round 1.
Note: You must pop all 30 bubbles!
4.) You will see the following summary of round 1 game statistics

5.) In Charles (structure tab), look for the following line "" or ""
6.) Expand the line > expand "current/" > Expand "flashservices/" and you will see a few "gateway.php"
7.) Click on the "gateway.php", click on the "Request" tab on the top right window and search for the line "MinigameService.updateRound" (check from the last gateway.php upwards)

8.) After you have found the gateway.php with the functionName "MiniGameService.updateRound", right click it and select 'Edit'

9.) Click "AMF"

11.) Change the value of [2] in the params to the NEXT running digit. (example: 2 change to 3)
12.) Change the value of the sequence to the NEXT running digit (example: 11 change to 12)
Note: just +1 for whatever digit you have
13.) Click Execute when you are done.

14.) Now click back on the gateway.php with a pencil logo

15.) Repeat steps 11-13 to continue getting coins. Remember to always +1 the current value!
16.) Repeat till you are satisfied or probably when there is a error sync message. Just refresh and you will see your new coins.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ninja Saga DMG Hack

1.Go to cheat engine and select your browser as your process
2.(array of bytes,hex) 6f 00 72 00 79 00 20 00 6f 00 66 00 20 00 53
The end must be 2E6 if not clear your history & exit dont go to other's website
3.If the end is 2E6 go to the game and click in the damage hack
4.Wait for the cheat activation!
then to use the hack if your turn press 'q' everytime your turn repeat the 'q'

Happy Aquarium- Treasure Hunt Cheat

This cheat will let you do the treasure hunt as many times as you want. This will let you gain extra coins exp and additional treasure items as well.

Tools Required:

cheat engine 5.5


1. Go into Happy Aquarium
2. Click Treasure Hunt. Basically,there are 2 treasure hunt given each day.
3. Open Cheat engine and First Scan "2"

4. Complete 1 treasure hunt and it will show "1"
5. NEXT SCAN "1" and the addresses returned at the left side will be lesser.

6. Complete 1 more treasure hunt and it will show "0"
7. NEXT SCAN "0" and the addresses should only left a few. Wait for 1-2minutes and NEXT SCAN "0" again and you should only have a few addresses left. In case there are stil more address left, Click Next Scan again with the value 0, until all the addresses value at the left side is all equal to 0.

8. Change all the address value to 2.
9. Click on the treasure hunt again in Happy Aquarium, you will be able to play the hunt again and get coins/items. You can easily locate the main treasure hunt address and change the value to 100 by 'Next scanning' the value of the treasure hunt.